Tutorial 1 - Clojure Web Application Using Noir
Posted by: Deepali | 27 Feb 2013 | CommentsI am going to do a series of blog posts on using Noir framework to create a simple website. Here is part 1 of the tutorial.
We are going to cover following points in this tutorial :
- Tutorial 1 for :-
- Create simple website using Noir.
- Create Pages.
- Create Pages for User Interface.
- Database Connection.
Now we will create a simple finance manager blog.
The easiest way to get Noir setup is to use Leiningen. Then execute Following Command In Terminal
$ lein new noir finance_manager
Generating a lovely new Noir project named testing...
The above command create a finance_manager website
in a specified directory.
Created website has following structure :-
--views/ common.clj
The project.clj
file is used for building the application and
managing dependencies by Leiningen.
Under the src
folder, we have the folder finance_manager
which contains server.clj
. This file contains the entry point to our application. It loads up all the views and provides a main function which can be used to start the application.
The models
folder is used to keep the data such as code for the database access and table management. The views
folder contains the namespaces describing the pages of our application and their supporting code. The template contains common.clj
which provides a basic layout and any code shared between the pages. The welcome.clj
is the namespace where an example page is defined and you can create your own pages under this namespace.
The resource/public
folder contains the stylesheets and javasript.
Execute the following command :-
$ lein run
Starting server...
2012-08-16 09:39:22.479:INFO::Logging to STDERR via org.mortbay.log.StdErrLog
Server started on port [8080].
You can view the site at http://localhost:8080
#<Server Server@2206270b>
2012-08-16 09:39:22.480:INFO::jetty-6.1.25
2012-08-16 09:39:22.521:INFO::Started SocketConnector@
lein run
run the -main function in our finance_manager namespace.
Open the browser and run :-
For creating pages :-
Open src/views/welcome.clj
file. And create a homepage of the
For creating pages defpage
macro is used which create a Compojure
route for the specified url. defpage
has following syntax.
(defpage url params content)
(defpage "/homepage" []
[:h3 "Finance Manager"])
Open the browser and run the following
Design a form which will provide the User Interface to add the Monthly Budget.
(defpage "/addbudget" {:keys [error]}
[:h2 "Add Monthly Budget"]
[:div.error error]
(form-to [:post "/addbudget"]
(label "budget_date" "Select Budget Date")
(text-field "budget_date")
(label "budget_amt" "Budget Amount")
(text-field "budget_amt")
(submit-button "Add Budget")
(reset-button "Cancel")
Design the another page for POST which contain the server code to handle the input coming from addbudget page.
(defpage [:post "/addbudget"] budget
[:div (:budget_date budget)]
[:div (:budget_amt budget)]
The above page simply display the values enter by the user on the page.
Open the browser and run
This will display the page containing UI to add budget values.
To save the values in the database we have to create the databse and setup the connection with the database.
Follow the following steps for Database Access.
There are several Clojure libraries availale for dealing with databse.
In this tutorial we are using clojure.data.jdbc
and MySql databse.
We will create a new namespace under the src/finance_manager/models
We call this namespace db. The namespace will live in a file called
under src/finance_manager/models
(ns finance_manager.models.db)
(require '[clojure.java.jdbc :as sql])
Now we will define our database connection in this file.
(def db
{:subprotocol "mysql"
:subname "//localhost:3306/finance_manager_db"
:user "username"
:password "private"})
Now add dependencies in project.clj
file for database connection.
[org.clojure/java.jdbc "0.2.3"]
[mysql/mysql-connector-java "5.1.6"]
Create a table for budget in finance_manager_db
(defn create-budget-table []
[:id :serial "PRIMARY KEY"]
[:budget_date "date"]
[:budget_amt "double"]
Now open src/finance_manager/server.clj
Write a function that call this create-budget-table
function. and call
that function in -main function.
(:require [finance_manager.models.db :as db])
(defn init
(defn -main []
Now start REPL session and execute following command in it.
$ lein repl
nREPL server started on port 53376
REPL-y 0.1.9
Clojure 1.4.0
Exit: Control+D or (exit) or (quit)
Commands: (user/help)
Docs: (doc function-name-here)
(find-doc "part-of-name-here")
Source: (source function-name-here)
(user/sourcery function-name-here)
Javadoc: (javadoc java-object-or-class-here)
Examples from clojuredocs.org: [clojuredocs or cdoc]
(user/clojuredocs name-here)
(user/clojuredocs "ns-here" "name-here")
finance_manager.server=> (finance_manager.server/-main)
it will execute the -main function and
create a budget table in database.
Now open src/finance_manager/models/db.clj
file and write the function
to add the budget record in the budget table.
(defn add-budget [budget]
(sql/insert-record :budget budget)
Now modify our [:post "/addbudget"]
page to insert budget record.
(defpage [:post "/addbudget"] budget
(db/add-budget budget)
(resp/redirect "/homepage")
(catch Exception ex
(render "/addbudget" (assoc budget :error (.getMessage ex)))
Now create a page that will display list of all added budgets.
So first write a function in src/finance_manager/models/db.clj
file to
get all records from database.
(defn db-read [query & args]
(vec (cons query args)) (doall res))))
(defpage "/viewbudget" []
(let [budget (db/db-read "select * from budget")]
[:h3 "Budget List Page"]
[:th "Budget ID"]
[:th "Budget Date"]
[:th "Budget Amount"]
(for [bgt budget]
[:td (:id bgt)]
[:td (:budget_date bgt)]
[:td (:budget_amt bgt)]
Now add links on homepage to add the budget and to view the budget.
(:use hiccup.element)
(defpage "/homepage" []
[:h3 "Finance Manager"]
(link-to "/adbudget" "Add Budget")
(link-to "/viewbudget" "View Budget")
You can also check for following :
Tutorial 2 for : Form Validation.
Tutorial 3 for : Session Management.