Fixing corrupt vagrant
Posted by: Meghali Dhoble | 12 Mar 2013 | CommentsRecently my vagrant machine crashed. This is how I used ‘fsck’ to recover it.
- Power off the vagrant machine using
vagrant halt
- Before booting it again enable ‘gui’ mode with un-commenting the below line from “Vagrantfile”
config.vm.boot_mode = :gui
- Now run
vagrant up
; it would open an gui-interface with an shell terminal open for vagrant-machine - Login to shell (started up during the previous step) with ‘username/password’ as ‘vagrant/vagrant’
- Once logged-in, go to root-dir
cd /
- Create a file named ‘forcefsck’ at root-dir
sudo touch /forcefsck
- Reboot the system
Now the vagrant should be up and running without any problem.